What We Provide
The Kitty Hawk Police Department offers many different services to our residents and visitors. These services are provided to aid citizens in the care and protection of life and property.
Residential Security Checks
Residential security checks are provided to any year round residents while they are out of town. A uniformed Patrol Officer will inspect the residence at least once in a 24-hour period.
The Kitty Hawk Police Department is committed to keeping children safe. One of the ways we are doing this is with the Identi-Kid Program. We have purchased the Fingerprint America ChoicePrint Child Identification cards to give to the public.
Project Child Safe Gun Locks
Project Child Safe is a nationwide program to help ensure safe and responsible firearms ownership and storage. It was developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and supported by a U.S. Department of Justice Grant.
Bicycle Registration Program
Bicycle theft and resale is a lucrative business. As the price for new bicycles increase each year, their resale value also increases. Hundreds of bicycles are recovered on the Outer Banks annually, with little to no information to locate the owner. Registration provides law enforcement the information necessary to retrieve and return property to the rightful owner as well as aid in the prosecution of criminals who steal them.
RX Drug Drop Box Program
The Kitty Hawk Police Department has acquired an Rx Drug Drop Box through the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) which is a non-profit organization that facilitates cooperation between law enforcement, healthcare professionals, state regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical manufacturers in the prevention and investigation of prescription drug diversion.
Project Life Saver
Kitty Hawk Police is an active participant in Project Lifesaver. This program helps provide a rapid response to save lives and reduce potential for serious injury for adults and children who wander due to Alzheimer’s, Autism, Down syndrome, Dementia and other related cognitive conditions. The Police Department provides equipment and assistance to support families, in need of these services, within the Town of Kitty Hawk. For additional information, please call the Kitty Hawk Police Department at (252) 261-3895.
NIXLE Community Alert System
The Kitty Hawk Police Department is now utilizing a service that allows concerned citizens access to important and valuable community information, using the latest technology.